At the time of my writing, our country is going through a pandemic. It most probably will have a permanent change in how we all behave and do business. As a business owner, I already see that our clients prefer to minimize touch-points. Luckily much or our workflow is automated and we can handle almost everything online. As the adage says "A crisis is an opportunity in disguise". Yes, customers may not return to brick and mortar retailers in the same numbers for some time, if ever, but there is an opportunity here.
As retailers and small business owners, we need to reach out to our customers in different ways. We need to educate, market, and promote our services and products online more than ever before. Online retail has obviously been around for some time, but so many businesses that in the past did not need to aggressively market online may need to change, think dry cleaners, cafes, restaurants, medical services, manufacturing, and many others. If you can change course faster and better than your competition, you have an incredible opportunity to increase your market share.
Creating strong, promotional video products will set you apart and provide your business exposure with potential new customers you had not reached before. Eventually having great marketing and explainer video production may be the norm for any business, but for now many small and medium-sized businesses can take advantage of the new customer dynamic that has emerged.